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Utlysning av ansvarsposter för vårens tredje nationsmöte 2022!

Skribentens bild: QuratorQurator

Härmed utlyser Quratelet och Seniorskollegiet ansvarsposter som ska tillsättas på nationsmötet 12/5. Mer info nedan! Kom ihåg: Nominera mera!


The Quratel and the Seniorskollegium are hereby announcing positions of responsibility to be appointed at the nation meeting on the 12/5. To nominate send an email to one of the addresses below before the 24/4. The nominations need to include the nominees full name, contact information and a simple motivation.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!



Tornavägen 7, 223 64 Lund
Störningsjour: 0768-837692

Måndagar: 11-13
Tisdagar: 11-13
Onsdagar: 11-13 & 16-18
Torsdagar: 11-13
Fredagar: 11-13

Ansvarig utgivare: Fredrik Sundt

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